BX Series Mini Turret

Mini Turret Punch: the best features/price ratio available in the market!


The monoblock frame in Meehanite®: Increases productivity and reliability!
Has greater strength and stability with twin motors on Y axis (STX) which assures: + 30% Volume +30% Speed +50% Acceleration.


3 Model Options to Choose From:

  1. BX Autoindex  1000/30-1250 1000/30-2250
  2. BX Autoindex   1250/30 – 2250 1250/30 – 2500
  3. bx multitool  1000/30-1250 1000/30-2000
Max. punching force (kN)
  1. 300
  2. 300
  3. 300
Y axis with Multitool/ Monopunch (mm): Y = 1000
  1. 1050 / 1000
  2. 1050 / 1000
Y axis with Multitool/ Monopunch (mm): Y = 1250
  1. 1250 / 1300
Position accuracy (mm)
  1. +/- 0.1
  2. +/- 0.1
  3. +/- 0.1
Opening of clamps (mm) – standard
  1. 43411
  2. 11
  3. 7
Max. hit rate (1/min): Punching with 20 mm pitch
  1. 250
  2. 250
  3. 250
Nibbling with 1 mm pitch
  1. 550
  2. 250
  3. 550
Thickness range (mm)
  1. 0.6 – 6
  2. 0.6 – 6
  3. 0.6 – 7
Max. weight at reduced axis speed (kg)
  1. 150*
  2. 150*
  3. 150
Installed power (kW)
  1. 7.5
  2. 8.5
  3. 6
Max. thickness (mm)  with standard clamps
  1. 11
  2. 11
  3. 7
Max. thickness (mm) with op. clamps 13 mm (for copper / aluminum)
  1. 12.5
  2. 12.5
  3. 12.5