Anniversary Edition SafanDarley E-Brake

E-Brake 35T-1250 – 25 year edition

Especially for the anniversary year, SafanDarley presents the E-Brake 25 year edition, an E-Brake 35T-1250 Premium ergonomic press brake. This special edition is equipped with a number of attractive options, at a very competitive price and delivery time.


More production, better planet, brighter future.

The 25 year edition comes with an EC20 control, ergonomic package, CNC-driven Z-axes, Q-size 650 mm, stroke 300 mm and hydraulic tool clamping above. Producing sensibly with an eye to the future.

Equipped with an extensive package of options at a celebration price:

•    EC20 Software, with EC Profiler 2D bend simulation.
•    CNC programmable movement of the back gauge fingers.
•    Ergonomic package.
•    Top tool adapter with hydraulic tool clamping.
•    Daylight enlargement Q= 650 mm (stroke 300 mm).